
About: Cody Witt

I help run Full Circle Soils & Compost. Our all-natural, organic products help gardeners and growers repair and sustain healthy, nutrient-rich soil. We focus on the health of the soil so you can grow the healthiest, happiest plants on Earth. Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy us, healthy planet. I also help create "full circle environmental networks" where all partners help to create a fully sustainable community of suppliers and producers through organic materials recycling, soil fertility program implementation, sustainable "beyond organic" food production, and education. The following mission statement describes my ideology: “Helping organizations understand the competitive advantages of implementing “green” initiatives centered around natural resource management, composting, the consumer, and your community.” With the help of environmental sustainability and social responsibility, an organization can cut costs while effectively increasing their profit margin and also add competitive advantages against their rivals. This is based upon the efficient conversion the natural resources and wastes produced by an organization into positive net benefits through composting, the consumer, and "green" initiatives.

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